+27 83 632 8667
The Wellness Pod, 32 Bright Street, Somerset West. 

Lauren Dace Educational Psychologist

Child & Adolescent Therapy - Somerset West

As an Educational Psychologist, I believe that psychological intervention is a shift in perspective and understanding. This approach to therapy allows us the opportunity open ourselves to the wonder and goodness within ourselves and our children.
In order for the therapeutic process to be most effective, a holistic approach within a child’s life must be adopted. This means working with children, teachers and parents to best understand key areas of development and their associated behaviours.
Therefore, my practice in Somerset West, Cape Town,  focuses on the well-being of children, but is not limited to their individual role in their learning and development. 

Play Therapy

Play therapy is a form of counseling or psychotherapy that uses play to communicate with and help people, especially children, to prevent or resolve their life’s challenges.

Sand Play Therapy

Sandplay therapy is a nonverbal, therapeutic intervention that makes use of a sandbox, toy figures, and sometimes water, to create scenes of miniature worlds that reflect a person’s inner thoughts, struggles, and concerns. This form of play therapy is practiced along with talk therapy, using the sandbox and figures as communication tools.


Lauren Dace is able to assist with the psycho-educational assessments, career and subject choice assessments, emotional and behavioural assessments, and interactional evaluation.

Parenting Solutions

Lauren Dace has her own blog that provides information for all parents. She is also able to meet with and assist parents who are struggling with their children. 

News & Updates

Educational Psychology Loving Relationships

Summer Lovin’ – Romantic Relationships in Adolescence

Romance in adolescence is often viewed as superficial and short-lived, a sweeping sort of lust rather than a long term,...

The After School Conversation

Getting information from our children can be tricky. Sometimes your questions are followed by a one word answers or just...
Educational Psychology Suprehero

Are your expectations reasonable? How our expectations can result in hope or despair

Expectations are personal beliefs about future happenings. They are predictions based on preconceived ideas, knowledge, needs or wants. A primary...

“When we invest in kids, we make an investment for eternity.
We can change the course of a life just because we care.”

– Lori Fairchild

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