+27 83 632 8667
The Wellness Pod, 32 Bright Street, Somerset West. 

About Lauren Dace - Educational Psychologist

As an Educational Psychologist, I believe that psychological intervention is a shift in perspective and understanding; allowing us the opportunity to the wonder and goodness within ourselves and our children. In order for the therapeutic process to be most effective, a holistic approach within a child’s life must be adopted; working with children, teachers and parents to best understand key areas of development and their associated behaviours. Therefore, my Educational Psychology practice which is based in Somerset West, Cape Town, focuses on the well-being of children but is not limited to their individual role in their learning and development.

Find me on LinkedIn or visit my Blog for articles I have written.

Lauren Dace

I completed my Masters in Educational Psychology in 2015; graduating from the University of the Witswatersrand in 2015. Psychology was always my passion however, after completing my honours in Psychology in 2012 I was uncertain as to which specialization I wanted to pursue. During 2013 I completed my PGCE in intermediate phase education and taught at St.Sithians Boys Preparatory as a Locum for that year. During that time I discovered that as much as I love education, I could not give my undivided attention and assistance to those who needed it most in the classroom. And So began my journey into Educational Psychology. I have a great deal of interest an passion in development of children and all the factors which contribute to this amazing journey from birth to adulthood.

In January 2018, I joined the team at EDU360 Integrated Remedial Education as head of Learning Support. I am thrilled to be able to be able to have the best of both worlds, in Private Practice as well as being a part of this fantastic and unique institution.

I continue to develop myself both personally and professionally, and believe that learning and development does not stop once you become a professional. Currently I am completing my final year of training in Sandplay Therapy with the International Society of Sandplay Therapy and hope to make this my primary modality of therapy in the near future.

“When we invest in kids, we make an investment for eternity.
We can change the course of a life just because we care.” – Lori Fairchild

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