+27 83 632 8667
The Wellness Pod, 32 Bright Street, Somerset West. 


Educational Psychology Loving Relationships
Romance in adolescence is often viewed as superficial and short-lived, a sweeping sort of lust rather than a long term, committed relationship. In some senses this is true since it is unlikely that an adolescent relationship will last more than a few weeks or months nor have the depth and complexity that comes with a...
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Educational Psychology Exam Stress
Unfortunately, Exam time is the reality that all teenagers face. Exams are even being introduced earlier in primary school as well. The concept of exams is something I believe needs to be seriously reevaluated as a method of assessment in all schools. Is the stress and anxiety around exams, particularly in the later years of...
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Educational Psychology Study Styles
To determine your teens study style and the strategies to go with it chat to your teen about the following factors. Each teen’s style and strategies will be unique. By going through the following factors you can come up with the most appropriate way for your teen to tackle exam time and any other studying...
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Educational Psychology millenials
Being authentic can be scary. What if I am different to the others around me? What if they judge me? What if they reject me? These are the questions that go on in our heads when we are choosing whether to be authentic or not. One of our greatest needs is to belong and this...
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Educational Psychology Teenagers
Allowing them to choose and try new things EVERY DAY As parents when our children are young we are used to guiding them, giving them information and making suggestions, but is this the best way for them to learn? Do we give them enough opportunities to choose, explore and try things for themselves? Giving them...
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Educational Psychology Peer Pressure Adolescent Therapy
Before we can discuss the topic of peer pressure it is important to note what exactly it is. Peer pressure can also be thought of as peer influence and social pressure. It is the process whereby an individual, normally a teenager, is directly influenced by the the lifestyle, attitudes, values and behaviours of their peers/friends....
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Educational Psychology Friendships
As a child enters into their teenage years, they become more orientated around their social interactions than the family. They actively seek close friendships and friendship groups. Often the parents feel the sting of abandonment and rejection as their child no longer wants to spend as much time with them as they did the past....
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