+27 83 632 8667
The Wellness Pod, 32 Bright Street, Somerset West. 


Getting information from our children can be tricky. Sometimes your questions are followed by a one word answers or just silence, as if they didn’t understand the question. Which they probably didn’t. The way in which we ask questions is vital to the level of information we are requiring. At times a simple yes or...
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Educational Psychology Suprehero
Expectations are personal beliefs about future happenings. They are predictions based on preconceived ideas, knowledge, needs or wants. A primary purpose of expectations is to prepare us for action. Often the choices that we make are based on the expectations we hold for how the situation or decision will affect ourselves, others or the world...
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Educational Psychology behavior
Teenagehood is often riddled with mistake making and a few failures. I’m sure this sounds incredibly negative and justification for misbehaviour during teenagehood however, there is a big difference between mistakes and misbehaviour and mistakes are a vital component of teenage development. I am sure we can all look back on our teenage years and...
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Educational Psychology discipline
Discipline is a very complex concept. What is the ‘right’ way to discipline your child. What does discipline actually entail? Is discipline different from punishment? The goal of punishment is usually to enforce compliance with the rules by using external control or authoritarian discipline. While it may be effective in stopping the misbehavior in that...
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Educational Psychology Pillow Fight
From birth to adulthood an individual transitions through a number of developmental phases each with their own associated changes and subsequent behaviours. Sometimes it is difficult to know what is developmentally appropriate vs. what is what is abnormal behaviour. One specific age which sees some of the most significant changes on the physical, social and...
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Behaviour Signs Therapy Psychology
Teenagehood is a complex stage of life. Not only are teenagers experiencing significant physical changes but, enormous social and emotional changes as well. They are developing a sense of identity, exploring social roles and experiencing the emotional turmoil that may come with it. With the growing prevalence of mental illness, it is not surprising that...
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