+27 83 632 8667
The Wellness Pod, 32 Bright Street, Somerset West. 

Play Therapy

Provides a safe and contained space where the therapist can act as a guide and a companion

"You see a child play, and it is the closest thing to seeing an artist paint, for in play a child says things without uttering a word."

What is Play Therapy

Play Therapy is a specific therapeutic technique where play and free-association are used to help children or adolescents (even adults) to express their emotions, thoughts, fantasies and needs.
Mediums such as painting, sand-play, clay and free play provide a non-threatening way for children and adolescents to better understand muddled feelings, upsetting events and complex thoughts which, they have not had the chance or the skills to manage on their own. 

Play Therapy provides a safe and contained space where the therapist can act as a guide and a companion through each individual’s therapeutic journey. 

Encourage Play